Sunday, November 19, 2006

How to Act Around Beautiful Women

Basically, you shouldn't 'act' at all because women will see through it.

So many people say that you should 'just be yourself' around women. The problem is that most men just 'aren't' being themselves anymore around women. And no matter how they try, they just can't! What happens when they see an extremely desirable woman?

Their physiology changes. They become hesitant, incongruent in their body language, nervous, and so forth. Why? There was a change in his relational reality when he wasn't suppose to change, ESPECIALLY when he wasn't supposed to change.

Ultimately you ARE just supposed to be yourself around women. When you're comfortable in your own skin, then they'll be able to trust you and open up to you. It's really the woman's level of interest that matters and ultimately decides if both of you are getting anywhere anyways.

When you're comfortable in your own skin even in the face of her tremendously leveraged Inner and Social character power, women will start throwing you those natural looks and flirty signals much more. They'll start desiring YOU often for nothing other than being the first man who is truly comfortable around their beauty.

From a woman's angle, sure she's beautiful but it's also a curse because it's hard to find 'real men' especially who aren't jerks. And usually it's all kinds of 'nice guys' who are stuck in the relationship of being the permanent 'response' to her which she doesn't like at all.

But how do you just 'be yourself' around women when they ARE so beautiful, empowered, intelligent and desirable? After all, you shouldn't have to develop a fake 'persona' or 'front', you should be able to let your true colors shine like our forefathers did.


You could say to change your self-limiting beliefs but that still isn't going to help most guys. Why? Primarily because the things that have limited them in the first place, they're not aware of and don't understand those powers.

It's not necessarily 'them' that is the problem. It's lack of cognition in the great relational and social power game that is going on that is preventing men and women from being normal anymore.

Once you can 'see the matrix' like Neo does, you'll be able to differentiate yourself from it and have more independent power than you ever thought possible.

You'll be able to re-frame your entire reality to one of having only win/win relationships with other people including all sources of influence coming from the social matrix itself. Then, you'll be able to let your true colors shine.

You'll be a 'real man' who doesn't need pick up lines. You can just make comfortable and social connections, then let women respond and open up to you. Then the mating game continues from there because you were born to know what to do; just unlearn everything that has gotten in the way.

Realigning yourself to power alpha relational dynamics defines all of your behavior so that you anything you do is the right thing because the women are interested and attracted.

This is the way it's supposed to be, is for the 'naturals' and that's why you'll have to trust that you really don't need to learn 'the words to say' as those are just crutches for guys who are stuck in the response reality to the stimulus of women.

I teach men how to get this level of power and fearless with Relational Mapping and Nano Elemental Oversight. Consider it advanced, power relationship management and a complete change in reality with a complete change in results.

No more 'acting', it's time for 'being'. Being that man who is comfortable in his skin before, during and after any interaction with beautiful women and that's when they know they can trust you and respond to you. It's time to be 'real'.

Rion Williams is one of the foremost experts in dating advice, personal power and relational dynamics. He is well-known within the seduction community itself.

His work focuses on the regaining and improving of real character within frustrated men who do don't want to 'act', use pick-up lines or techniques to get women.

He teaches modern men how to truly be natural and comfortable in their own skin to consistently succeed with women, attraction and dating. You can sign up for his free eZines and find out more information at

He also has a free podcast at

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