Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Natural Sex – Increasing Libido without Viagra

While Viagra has its place for men to treat sexual dysfunction most men want to enjoy natural sex without the aid of drugs.

While Viagra has revolutionized the treatment of erectile dysfunction, it doesn't help raise libido or desire.

If you want to enjoy natural sex then you can with a few natural foods that are proven to increase libido and make you feel better.

Here are some of the best herbs and foods to help you enjoy natural sex.

Ginkgo Biloba

Used for thousands of years in China as a way to increase sex drive and now more popular than ever.

Studies have shown that just like Viagra, ginkgo enhances the effects of nitric oxide, which helps relax artery walls, allowing more blood flow into the penis and therby creating an erection.


Just like ginkgo, bilboa ginseng also increases nitric oxide levels. In addition it is thoughtt to have an effect on the dopamine system that sends triggers from the brain to create an erection.

L argentine

This is known as natures Viagra.

In fact it is probably the most effective natural supplement for increasing male libido.

The production of L-Arginine decreases with age and many experts believe this is responsible for many degenerative processes that are related to aging.

L-arginine stimulates the release of nitric oxide from the walls of blood vessels, helping them expand promoting healthy circulation and this includes to the sexual organs.

There are many other natural sex aids such as Macca horny goat weed and many others but so far tests on the majority of them have shown no signs that they help increase libido or natural sex drive.

The above three supplements combined will help you enjoy natural sex as they will help with the production of nitric oxide which is critical in keeping blood flowing to the penis.

You can also eat foods that will also help in this area give you plenty of energy and all the vitamins and minerals you need and they include:

1. Green Foods

Nitrogen-rich vegetables aid blood vessels in the production of nitric oxide.

2. Stamina Foods

Meats, fish and nuts contain L-arginine which we have seen above is critical in helping the erection process.

3. Bright Foods

Bright colored foods such as peppers and many fruits contain plenty of antioxidants that will help combat the free radicals that can damage and clog arteries thus restricting blood flow.

The above foods help keep your arteries clear and flowing, give you all the vitamins and minerals you
need and help in the nitric oxide production process.


The above will all help keep blood circulating through the arteries but keep in mind if you smoke give up as smoking has the opposite affect and clogs your arteries.

Limitations and expectations

The above if taken will keep your energy levels up and make sure you have sufficient nitric oxide flowing through your arteries.

You can’t cure erectile dysfunction caused by illness you will need medical help, however if you simply lack energy or are stressed, then the above supplements and foods will certainly make a difference.
They will increase your sex drive and help you enjoy natural sex without Viagra.


On all aspects of how to get more from sex and relationships and everything to do with sexuality visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at

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